Dude, What If We Legalized Weed And Used The Tax Revenue To Buy More Weed?
Dude. Hold on a second.
Just hold up.
Look. So you know how Colorado legalized the sale of recreational pot in 2014? They’ve raised over $1 billion in revenue since then, just from taxing that shit. Now imagine if we took that money and bought weed with it. Bro. Holy shit. Think about how much that would be. That’d be like a billion dollars of weed.
Think about it. It’s the perfect crime, because it’s not even a crime. No, seriously, we should call the governor. I don’t know, I thought you had it.
Ok. What was I saying?
Right. The tax. Ever heard of a perpetual motion machine? It’s like that, but with a system of taxation so it’s chill. It’s genius, dude. Hold on, I have to write this down. Do you have a pen?