$2 A Month Gets You Exclusive Episodes of My Podcast, For $5 A Month You Don’t Have To Listen At All
Hello friends and family,
Thanks for subscribing to my email list. It’s been a tough year but I believe in the work we’re doing.
I wanted to let you know about an exciting new chapter for the podcast. We’ve joined Patreon! If you don’t wish to pay, nothing will change and you can listen to the weekly show as dozens now do.
Just $2 a month gets you access to exclusive episodes with special guests, behind the scenes videos and a limited edition “Fuck You” (my catch phrase) mug.
And for $5 a month you don’t have to listen to the show at all!
That’s right, I’ll leave you alone for the price of a cup of coffee.
You won’t even know I have a podcast. For five dollars, all my emails stop. I won’t mention it in person, either. If you mention it, I’ll pretend I don’t know what podcasts are. If you ask me about a podcast, I’ll say “I’m sorry, what? Like a pod that you cast? God knows that’s impossible.”
I’ll stop the DMs. The phone calls. The nightly visits to your property pleading for your support by the light of the moon. But only at the $5 level.
Otherwise, enjoy next week’s episode. Steve shits himself again.
John Merriam
Host, Butt Radio 69
*This was originally posted with a copyrighted image of a dude named Jordan. To clarify: he did not host a show called “Butt Radio 69”, nor did he ask people for money as depicted in this article. This is a satire article and the image has been updated. Apologies!